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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


This guy // love

Jenny & Adam

CLEVELAND, Ohio // We drove all our worldly possessions from NYC to Cleveland, OH in a 12 foot half full Budget rental truck. Adam's parents kindly volunteered their basement to be our storage space while we travel for the year.

As we drove the 500+ miles across the northeast there was a sense of happiness that settled over me. I don't know why, but I was happy. There was nothing productive or efficient about the drive. We didn't create anything. There was nothing to do but just be and I was happy. Perhaps its because I spent all day with this guy. 

Adam gave away a 24 inch computer screen from work he had bought to our good friend in NYC. As he gave it to her he started to get emotional. He expressed his emotions by explaining, "Ive stared at you more than my wife over the last 7 years." Perhaps thats why I'm happy. We traded in our monitors for each other.