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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


The Road Traveled

Jenny & Adam

The road traveled:

  1. NYC, NY // old apartment manhattan
  2. Leesburg, VA // coddington family
  3. Cleveland, OH // stanowick family
  4. Atlanta, GA // shular family 
  5. Selma, AL // civil rights movement
  6. Demopolis, AL // coddington shrimp farm
  7. Jackson, MS // sleep airbnb
  8. Vicksburg, MS // breakfast by the mississippi
  9. Dallas, TX // college friends
  10. Plano, TX // uncle and cousin stanowicks
  11. Hermleigh, TX // mid-america
  12. Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM // bat flight & camping
  13. Guadalupe Mountains National Park, NM // sunrise drive
  14. Las Cruces, NM // worlds largest chili pepper
  15. Mesa, AZ // cousin albete
  16. Joshua Tree National Park, CA // hiking
  17. San Diego, CA // brother stanowick
  18. Santa Barbara, CA // brother walbridge & frisbee golf
  19. Los Angeles, CA // college friend
  20. Big Bear Lake, CA // holcomb valley climbing & hostel
  21. Mojave Desert, CA // hole-in-the-wall camping & hiking
  22. Grand Canyon, AZ // mather campground & bright angel trail hiking
  23. Santa Fe, NM // silver saddle motel & the willie nelson room
  24. Taos, NM // climbing & snow mansion hostel
  25. Edmund, OK // sleep airbnb
  26. Jasper, AK // horseshoe canyon ranch climbing & little switzerland inn
  27. Clarksdale, MS // shack up inn & marty's barber shop
  28. Oxford, MS // ole miss
  29. Birmingham, AL // lunch
  30. Newnan, GA // home for the next month

Thanks to our hosts for all the time, love, and hospitality. This trip would not have been possible without all our family and friends support.