Free Hikes
Jenny & Adam
THE GRAND CANYON, Arizona // There is a scene in the movie Wall Street where Charlie Sheen’s character, Bud Fox, says, “I think if I can make a bundle of cash before I’m thirty … I’ll be able to ride my motorcycle across China.” What’s ironic is that he already has enough money to do that. $1,000 max for a used motorcycle and $2,000 max for a flight. He doesn’t feel like he has enough. It's always a nagging fear we had before we left our jobs.
We have budgeted for $50/day per person. This includes shelter, food, and transportation. Let me give you a few examples to show that this isn’t extravagant nor is it limiting.
Gas typically costs between $2-$4/gallon. If we drive 4-6 hours/day it typically takes a tank of gas, around $40/day. Camping in the Grand Canyon or Mojave Desert cost $12/day. Climbing in Big Bear Mountain was free, since we already owned all the gear. Hiking into the Grand Canyon is free. The hostel we stayed in was $28/night with breakfast and dinner included as well as free wi-fi. After one month we have stuck to our budget fairly well.
There is no way to put a price tag on the memories we have made and the time we have been able to spend doing the things we love with each other.