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Horseshoe Canyon Ranch

Jenny & Adam

JASPER, Arkansas // Jasper, Arkansas may only have around 600 people, but they have Horseshoe Canyon Ranch, which is a premier sport climbing destination. With over 300 routes, we spent 3 days here climbing and staying at a cute little cabin called Little Switzerland. The routes are amazingly maintained and the approach is no more than 10 minutes. Here is a list of all the climbs that we completed as well as the difficulty ratings. Rock climbs are typically rated 5.1 through 5.15 with anything 5.10 or above considered moderately difficult. 

  • The Greatest Show on Earth 5.8+
  • Green Goblin 5.8+
  • Cotton Candy 5.7
  • Lion Tamer 5.9-
  • Pauls Redemption 5.7 
  • Private Property 5.10a
  • Crimp Scampi 5.10d
  • Leonid 5.9+
  • Ides of March 5.7
  • The Bulb 5.9
  • Little Manly Man 5.7
  • Sons of the Soil 5.10a
  • Caught in the Closet Again 5.7
  • Sendtember 5.10b
  • Brat Holes 5.10d