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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


The Next Phase

Jenny & Adam

ATLANTA, Georgia // The first phase of our trip is over and arriving in Maui is finally here. We have divided our trip into 3 month blocks so that we can plan and analyze each adventure and reflect on what we accomplished. The past 3 months have focused us on leaving NYC, the road trip across the United States, and two months with family in Atlanta and Cleveland. 

When we were in our hometowns, it was so convenient not to be forced to rush and try to do everything in 2 or 3 days with our families, like we usually do when we fly home for a typical weekend. We had the chance to do things like go out to lunches and cook food with our parents, interview our grandparents about their lives, play tennis, play cards, play piano, go birdwatching, go bowling, and chat about the future.  

We woke up at 3:30 am on New Years Eve and boarded our long flight to Maui that had 2 layovers. We flew from Cleveland, to Atlanta, to Seattle, and arrived in Maui at 10 pm, just before the new years fireworks. 11 hours of flying and 5 hours of time changes. The next phase begins.