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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Around the World

Jenny & Adam

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia // The cheapest and easiest way for us to get to The Maldives from Kathmandu was to fly with one stopover, in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. It is funny because we have already been here a few months ago. The crazier part is that by coming through this city we have gone around the world.

Initially this is not how we had planned to do it, but that’s just the way it turned out. In April we flew from the USA through Japan to Thailand, where we started the backpacking trip through South East Asia. We passed through Kuala Lumpur before going to Singapore, then flying to Japan, and then back to the USA. After 2 weeks home we flew through Moscow, Russia as a layover before stopping in Delhi, India to continue our trip through Asia. Now on the way to the Maldives we pass through this Asian metropolis again, essentially completing a full circle around the world.

In the back of our minds we really wanted to have gone officially around the world, but we didn’t think it would be this way or even happen. It’s still pretty cool that it did though, and it makes me smile every time I think about it. 

Around the World from Kuala Lumpur in 86 days by flights taken // 

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / Singapore / Tokyo, Japan / USA / Moscow, Russia / Delhi, India / Kathmandu, Nepal / Kuala Lumpur