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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Wave after wave

Jenny & Adam


KONA, Hawaii // As I try to conquer surfing I have been dedicating more time on the beach to deciphering the waves. Where do they first crest? What angle do they approach the shoreline? Why do they break where they do? There seems to be an unlimited supply of them but where do they come from? 

So I did some research and learned that waves are not actually water being transported across the ocean but rather energy passing through water in a circular motion. I like the sound of this // waves are energy. This is probably why I am drawn to the ocean and learning how to surf. There is an energy that recharges my body when I’m out on the water. Even meditating while listening to the waves crash on the shore enlivens me. If you think that the human body is made up of over 60% water I think it makes sense that the waves have the power to affect us all. 

Plus Jennifer translated to Hawaiian is Kinipela which means Wave. It always comes full circle.