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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Arriving in Railay

Jenny & Adam

RAILAY, Thailand // We got off the boat and trekked through knee high water to the beach. From here we walked about a quarter mile to the other side of the island where we had booked 3 nights accommodation in a nice place to get acclimated to Thailand.

It turned out to be a good choice. Although Hawaii is warm tropical climate, it was only around 80 degrees most of the time. The day we arrived in Thailand, it was 101 degrees fahrenheit, and just standing outside not doing anything for 5 minutes, you already started sweating. When we made it to the room, the air conditioning was a blessing. In Thailand, a room with A/C, warm water shower, and wifi are big luxuries. 

Railay is our first stop in Asia and there is so much to do here // rock climbing, hiking, kayaking. The climbing community, combined with all of the backpackers, make this place really fun. Railay is the nicer part of the area where there seem to be more families and more upscale lodging, which is good for us on our first few days here before we head over to Tonsai.

We plan on doing some easy climbing to test our gear and equipment before we attempt any harder advanced routes. It’s nice to have time, and no rush to leave. We can linger around and stay in places for as long as we want. At least until our Thai visa runs out in May.