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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Railay Lagoon Hike

Jenny & Adam

RAILAY, Thailand // "Why are the hardest places to reach always the best?" This is what Jenny said to me after we made it to the lagoon. This was probably the most difficult short hike I have ever done. It only took about 45 minutes, but hanging from a muddy rope upside down over a ledge on three separate parts, made this trail borderline sketchy. In the end there was a quiet lagoon in the middle of the jungle, where we each did our own barbaric yawp (from Dead Poets Society // Walt Whitman). Had this lagoon just been on the side of the walkway in town, it would not have been that great. The fact that the only way to see this amazing part of nature was to do the difficult hike, made this area more special to us.

On the way back we ran into a Thai family going to the lagoon. They needed to use the rope to get down and we needed it to get back up. They didn’t know English and we don’t know Thai, but we were still able to communicate via body language which we found interesting. Using hand gestures and smiles we both past each other safely on the steep incline into the valley. 

Our days have consisted of // activity in the morning from 7am to 10, rest and eat in the afternoon from 10 to 1pm, activity in the evening from 1 to 5pm, then sunset and dinner from 5 to 7pm. This town tends to stay up late, so the morning climbing or hiking we do usually is completely to ourselves.  We are looking forward to exploring and climbing as much as we can on Railay before moving over to Tonsai in the next few days.