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Provisions Sailing Thailand

Jenny & Adam

PHUKET, Thailand // We left Tonsai at 3 in the afternoon. A longtail boat met us at the far end of the beach and drove us 20 minutes to a big ferry on Railay East where we congregated with other people from numerous other boats. For 2 hours we made the journey to Phuket. It was a simple ride and the boat was packed with other tourists, thais, and backpackers. From Phuket town we boarded a mini van that drove us north, where few people go unless they go to the airport. We reserved a hotel in advance close to the airport with the sole reason being that it is the only place with an actual town close to the Yacht Haven Marina. 

A few days ago we booked a bareboat sailboat charter out of Yacht Haven Marina to be picked up 2 days from now. This extra time gives us the opportunity to review our sailing notes, organize all of our gear from traveling, and go grocery shopping provisioning for the 6 day sailing adventure. 

We found the area by the hotel less of a town, but more like just a single street with a few stores on it. There was three 7/11 stores and one mini grocery store called Tesco Lotus Express. We bought almost all of our groceries from this place. For our 6 day sailing trip around the islands of southern Thailand this is what we purchased:

  • breakfast // 12 eggs, large pack of oatmeal, 6 bananas, 8 apples, 2 oranges, 8 bags green tea
  • lunch // loaf of bread, peanut butter & jelly, 3 cans of tuna fish, block of cheese, 3 cans pringles, 4 packs koala yummies
  • dinner // 2 chicken breasts, ground pork, thinly sliced pork, olive oil , 10 packs ramen noodles, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 onions, 5 potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, greenbeans, cucumbers, kale, cabbage, 4 pack coca cola, 6 pack ginger ale, 6 pack of Chang beer, 1 small bottle of gin, 8 limes, hot sauce
  • other // toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags, cutting knife, dish soap, sponge, 6 x 6 liter jugs of water