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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Returning Safely

Jenny & Adam

KOH HONG ISLAND, Thailand // The last full day we sailed from Chicken Island to Ko Yai Noi, then took down the sails. We entered Ao Phang-Nga National Park and both got pretty nervous. This area is notoriously known for being super shallow. One of the worst things to do on a sailboat besides actually crash, is to "run aground". This is when you bring the boat into shallow water and it gets stuck and unable to move. Once your boat is immobilized, you are pretty much helpless. 

I've never really paid much attention to the tide tables until this morning. There is a very narrow channel about a mile long that we would have to motor through slowly. Our plan was to enter this area sometime between 2pm and 4pm which is high tide, at about 2 to 3 meters. We witnessed two other sailboats ahead of us which gave us conviction to continue and made our way to our final anchorage at Ko Hong.

After we anchored, we took the dinghy out and kayaked around some of the tiny islands. We had a huge final night feast and cooked the rest of our food that was leftover so we didn't have to throw anything away or take it with us. 

We have been sleeping on deck every night because the weather is unbearably hot in the cabin. At 5am we were awake, like we have been this entire sailing trip due to the sun rising. We made it back safely to the anchorage and returned the boat with out a problem.

This is the list of anchorages we stayed at during our week of sailing: 

  • Ko Rang Yai
  • Ko Rachi Yai
  • Koh Phi Phi
  • Chicken Island
  • Koh Hong