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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world



Jenny & Adam

LABUAN BAJO, Indonesia // Despite being in Asia for 3 months, we have not done any scuba diving. For some reason every time we plan to do it, there is something else that gets in the way. We have 10 days left on our Indonesia visas and since the diving here is world renown, we decided to make it a priority. 

We decided to skip diving in Bali and the Gili Islands, which are more beginner areas, and instead fly directly to Flores and book 4 days of diving in the remote Komodo National Park. Flores is known as some of the best dive sites in the world, and because it is difficult to get here, not many people come unless they are experienced divers and very enthusiastic about it. Komodo is also a protected National Park by the government of Indonesia, making the marine life so pristine and natural. Many companies have built liveaboards here because the vast array of diverse marine life and the difficulty to get to them from day boats.

We arrived in Labuan Bajo a few days early because there are only a few flights into the tiny airport. The drive into town took about 5 minutes and we soon realized that there are more dive shops here than restaurants / stores / or hotels combined. This whole town revolves around diving.

As we checked in with our liveaboard, we were briefed on the schedule and realized how intense the diving will be. The depth, currents, large marine life, and frequency of dives will be no joke. Four to five dives a day will take up essentially the entire day. The rest of the time will be eating or sleeping. A scuba liveaboard is something that we have always wanted to do, and Komodo seems like one of the best places in the world to do it, and at the perfect time in our trip through Asia.