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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Chapters in our Lives

Jenny & Adam

UBUD, Indonesia // Today I finished Infinite Jest. It is a book that I purchased in November and have been carrying around with me the last 8 months. It is over 1000 pages and weighs 2.2 pounds. I feel proud to have finished it and am glad to now give it away and lighten my bag that I have been carrying. This was one of the few books I have read where I actually have not enjoyed but continued in spite of my frustration. Upon finishing though I could appreciate it much more after rereading a few sections, and making sense of other parts from online discussion forums. 

I often summarize parts of my life by books I read, and now this book is finished it symbolizes a new chapter for me. I often feel that there is an alternative reality going on simultaneously when so engrossed in a large fictitious novel. Throughout the last few months, along with finding a local gym, post office, and Indian food restaurant in town, we have really enjoyed going into many of the local bookstores and finding good recommendations from other travelers. In addition to the rock climbing guide books we have purchased, here is a tribute to the books that we have finished so far on our trip. 

  • Infinite Jest // by David Foster Wallace
  • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle // by Haruki Murakami
  • The Goldfinch // by Donna Tartt
  • Winner Stands Alone // by Paulo Coehlo
  • The Which of Portabello // by Paulo Coehlo
  • Sinarth // by Karl Levy
  • Bou Meng // by Huy Vannak