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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Black Bear

Jenny & Adam

JOSHUA TREE, California // We named our vehicle: Black Bear. Part of this came from the fact we are in a large black SUV and part because Brown Bear was Adam’s favorite book growing up and it seemed appropriate for our 2,400 mile drive across the country, “Black Bear, Black Bear, what do you see?” since all we could do from the car was see what we could see. 

Top 10 time passing the time activities for Black Bear

  1. Singing // Not well, we are horrible singers but that doesn’t mean we don’t jam
  2. Ukulele // Adam has expanded his world to 10 songs // Redemption song by Bob Marley being the top of his Billboards hits
  3. Podcasts // Serial season 1 - discussions of the legal system and theories on who done it
  4. Punch Buggy // Just as an FYI we have noticed that half the punch bugs spotted are yellow 
  5. Read // Grain Brain - Thanks Heidi for the education
  6. Photo hour // We take a photo out the window each minute for an hour
  7. Food and Shelter // Where will we sleep tonight planning as well as where is the next third wave coffee shop complete with latte art, pour overs, and free wifi
  8. Daily teachings // Reflections of the universe and gratitude which typically are followed by long philosophical discussions about life
  9. Snacks // A "Hangry" (Hungry + Angry) travel buddy makes for a long day on the road
  10. Navigating // How did Lewis and Clark survive pre cell phones?

Safety first always. Seatbelt's for everyone.