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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Similar but Different

Jenny & Adam

EL PASO, Texas // After two back to back 8 hour days of driving I came to two realizations.

The first is that everything is similar. No matter where we are going the power lines always pass us -- one post at a time, evenly spaced apart, rhythmically ticking away the miles. They act as a map towards the future and as a bread crumb trail recording where we have been. They feel like a constant companion. The other thing that is similar is that we are always driving towards a point on the horizon. The roads are long and you can see for miles. They feel infinite. No matter how long I drive there will always be a point on the horizon to urge me onwards. 

The second thing I realized was that everything is different. The United States is a beautiful creature. One that makes you want to linger longer at each twist of the road. Every time the sun hits a mountain and the clouds make a new shadow on the earth the landscape changes like a motion picture demanding to be watched. Crops of pecan trees, mountains of rock and cacti all vibrantly shining natures true colors. The differences are striking.

It made me realize we are all similar but different.