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Maui REALLY Revealed

Jenny & Adam

WAILUKU, Hawaii // There is a book called Maui Revealed that locals will tell you was written by a haole, Hawaiian for foreigner. Its kind of a running joke among the locals. So we put together a list of the top 3 Maui Really Revealed. What do locals do when they are not working hard at their jobs.

Land Fill & Recycling center // I don't think you truly know a city and it's people until you find out where it puts its garbage. The landfill on Maui is near Pu'unene and is extremely organized. In Hawaii everyone recycles too. You find huge bins at everyones houses for recycling. Even in public areas there are recycle bins that are actually used for that purpose. The grocery stores don't provide plastic bags and they encourage you to bring your own. The centers in Hawaii to recycle are everywhere and the people are friendly and they pay you for your recyclables ($.05 per bottle). We have been to the landfill and recycle center no less than 3 times in the last two weeks.

Garage Sales // Its a tough island to find things on which makes people resourceful. Furniture, stereo equipment, clothes, scrap carpet, books, kitchen gadgets, and baby clothes are all saved in case relatives need them or resold the old fashioned Ebay way // garage sales. Every weekend you will find signs littering the road way and hundreds of people scouring for treasures. There will be no less than 3 garage sales per neighborhood on Saturday. Tip to the tourist, start early. All the good stuff is gone by 9 am and most of the sales are over by noon. Garage sale scores so far // disc frisbee ($2), size 13 tevas ($1 - you're welcome Dad), tanks, pants, sunscreen (thanks Geraldine), 3 books (Zillow Talk, Waterfalls Ponds & Streams, and a Hawaiian Dictionary (thanks Aunt Connie).

Costco // This is not only a resourceful place for cheap bulk food items but also a social outing. My Apo and Nanny go and get the $1.50 hot dog and soda and watch the car rage unfold almost weekly. It is by far the craziest parking lot in all the island even when compared to a parking lot next to a white sand and waterfall filled beach. The food area is outside so you don't even need a Costco card to enjoy this outing.

Once you have hit these three hot spots you can consider yourself on the path to becoming a Kama'aina // local. Then you can go check out the beaches and sunsets.