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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world



Jenny & Adam

MAALAEA, Hawaii // We were all in land cruisers and headed along the Hana Highway past Kula. To the right was the ocean and to the left was Haleakala. All at once we made a random stop and turned down a steep dirt path towards the water where huge rocks bulged out of the road at every turn. They call this "overlanding"

Two hours later we were at the secluded Kanaio coast, south of Wailea and Kihei, and driving trucks along the rocky beach. We set up camp, fished, and collected Opihi off the rocks as the sun went down. Cooking the Opihi reminded me of escargot and had a really unique clam like taste. There was no phone service and no internet. There is something so peaceful and enchanting to take a break from civilization and the world for awhile.

I ended up falling asleep in a large chair looking out into the ocean looking at star constellations. The constellations are always the great equalizer to me in life. No matter who you are, where you are, or any situation you are dealing with in life, you still look into the same night sky and see the same stars.