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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Slow Yourself Down

Jenny & Adam

PUKALANI, Hawaii // I came here Jenny // A New York minute lifestyle and a quick walking pace to match. An attitude of if you're not doing you're failing and if you're not moving you're dead.

Call me Kini // After 3 months in Hawaii I feel like an island girl living a life on island time. At first just driving at max speeds of 45 mph made it feel like we had moved into the slow lane of life. 

Then we started running in the morning and the same streets we had driven for a month changed. I noticed unique houses I had not seen before, bird of paradises blooming, an antique 1950s car in a driveway and I thought now we've really slowed ourselves down.

Yesterday, we decided to walk to the grocery store and again I was amazed at the differences I noticed from slowing my run to a casual walk. 

It's taken 3 months but I think we can honestly say we have finally embraced island time for the first time in our lives. I came here Jenny and I am leaving Kini. Just in time for us to travel to Thailand next week for the next leg of our adventure.