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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world



Jenny & Adam

PUKALANI, Hawaii // We finally booked our tickets to Asia. Using frequent flier miles, the total cost was 33 dollars per person. I felt relieved and excited now that we have an exact plan. We leave the second week of April, and have two long layovers in Tokyo and Nagoya with the total trip being about 26 hours, just to Bangkok. When you have the luxury of time, who cares how long the trip will take. I'm actually looking forward to the long journey and exploring the airports. 

I don't have to be back a week later for work or any other commitments.

We have been spending the last few weeks on Hawaii pretty low key. Days have consisted of exercising, looking through all of our photos and videos, spending time with family, and researching Asia. The next phase of the journey is about to begin and I couldn't be any more excited.