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Where We Journal

A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world



Jenny & Adam

MILILANI, Hawaii // Our flight to Thailand left from Honolulu, so we decided to fly to Oahu early, and spend our last 3 days in the United States here. 

When we arrived, it surprised me how big Honolulu actually was compared to the other islands on Maui, Big Island, or Kauai. Honolulu was a legit city, with tons of traffic and skyscrapers. We spent the first night walking through Waikiki and then spent the next 2 days hiking. 

We packed so much into 48 hours, and I’m so glad that we got to see this island. In our short time here we were able to do 4 hikes: 

  • Makapu’u Point Lighthouse trail // well paved warm up hike
  • Koko Head Stairs // 1,048 railroad ties straight up the mountain
  • Lanakai Pillbox for sunrise // old military bunkers on the ridge line
  • Manana Waterfall trail // down the valley and then back up heart attack hill

Besides hiking, we got to see Waimea Bay where the Eddie Aikau surf competition is held, and have a huge Hawaiian Filipino meal with family before we left the US for the crazy 2 days of travel that lies ahead to Thailand.