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A series of our inner thoughts, emotions, experiences, encounters, & observations, as we interact with the people of the world


Bathing Suits

Jenny & Adam

PUKALANI, Hawaii // This week I had an epiphany. A bombshell to my wardrobe that will forever change how I shop. I've lived in my bathing suits since I've been in Hawaii so why do I buy undergarments? I should just buy bathing suits. Arguments in favor of bathing suits:

  • They are as expensive as undergarments
  • They are more colorful and fun
  • They dry fast
  • They can provide as much support as a sports bra
  • They are a constant reminder that summer is coming
  • They can be worn in public
  • They give my day diversity
    • Hanging out with friends and someone suggest a beach trip. No problem // I am ready
    • Someone spills a hot drink on my top. No problem // take it off
    • It's a hot day. No problem // wear a sheer light weight top
    • Im waiting for a friend who is late. No problem // sun bathe while waiting
    • Want to work out after work without changing. No problem // lift in it